Kimberly Sadowski, President

Kimberly Sadowski currently works as the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) for the Central New York Community Foundation. Previously she was the CFO for local disability organization ARISE.

Kim became interested in serving on the board after meeting AccessCNY Executive Director Paul Joslyn and learning details about the services AccessCNY provides. Kim also puts her financial expertise into serving as the board president.

Q&A with Kim

Q: What makes AccessCNY’s mission important to you?

A: “Watching my younger brother navigate life with a disability until he passed away at the age of 23, I learned how difficult it was for someone like him to achieve his goals. Whether the goal was to move throughout the house without falling down or getting hurt or something loftier like attending college away from home, every day was a challenge. Having a place with caring people to assist in accessing and providing the supports available is vital to assisting people in achieving goals, maintaining independence and improving quality of life. AccessCNY is that place!”

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