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Auction/Raffle Items | Donating Physical Items to TRAID

Auction/Raffle Items
Every year AccessCNY hosts several events featuring a silent auction and/or basket raffle of donated items. Join our generous community of local businesses and community leaders in giving today.
Not only will you help AccessCNY raise funds to continue our life-changing services, but you will receive positive community exposure when we include your name and/or logo in event signage!
- Original artwork
- Gift certificates
- Airline miles
- Handmade goods like quilts

Donating Items to TRAID
AccessCNY’s TRAID Center provides durable medical equipment, accessible toys and bikes and much more to the Central New York community- all free of charge. To do this, we rely on the donation of new or gently used items, such as wheelchairs, walkers and iPads (which are adapted into communication aids).
If you have have an item that you would like to gift to TRAID, please fill out the form below. One of our TRAID accessibility specialists will reach out within two business days.
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