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Children’s Intensive Respite

AccessCNY’s new Intensive Children’s Respite home provides enhanced site-based support for kids ages 5-17. The home provides a safe and private place for kids with high behavioral needs to receive support and respite. Serving up to 4 kids at a time, our Crystal House respite home features individual bedrooms, sensory play areas and shared living spaces. The highly trained staff includes Licensed Behavior Analysts, Behavior Intervention Specialists and Youth Specialist that implement the child’s behavior plan.

Initially guests at Crystal House will be children being discharged from Upstate Children’s Hospital’s Biobehavioral Health Unit (BBHU). While at Crystal House the child and their caregivers will receive outpatient support from Upstate for serval hours a day to help the child master skills that will help them successfully return home with their loved ones. In the future we hope to offer stays to kids in the community with behavioral needs. Click on contact us online button to be added to the wait list.

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