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Sensory Integration Therapy – Children

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About the Sensory System | About AccessCNY’s Integration Therapy | One Time Evaluations

About the Sensory Systems: 

We all experience life through our senses. More specifically, our brains gather input from seven sensory systems. Click on each sense/sensory system below to learn more about it. 

  1. Taste (gustatory)
  2. Smell (olfactory) 
  3. Sight (visual) 
  4. Hearing (auditory)
  5. Touch (tactile)
  6. Balance (vestibular)
  7. Awareness of the body and its positioning (proprioception)

For individuals with sensory related problems, recognizing, understanding and responding to sensory information can be difficult. Their brains might over or under react (or a combination of both) to sensory inputs. This is often associated with frustrating challenges such as decreased attention span and difficulty coping with certain textures/foods/activities (tactile defensiveness).

AccessCNY’s Sensory Integration Therapy: 

Sensory Integration therapy can help reduce discomfort associated with sensory problems. Our caring staff work one-on-one with each person to set goals and then create a personalized treatment plan. This treatment plan is changed as each individual builds skills and meets their goals. During the therapy process training is also offered to family, staff and other caregivers on both sensory integration principles generally and the specific needs of their loved one.  

As part of long-term therapy, our clinicians can also make recommendations for adaptive equipment that they would believe would benefit the participant. These items are often available for no cost through AccessCNY’s TRAID Center.

One Time Evaluations:

 On a limited basis, AccessCNY also offers one time evaluations to develop a sensory diet. Our report will include recommendations for activities, equipment and ways to infuse these into each person’s daily routine.

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