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Respite Services

AccessCNY’s Spaulding Respite program provide a safe place for individuals with developmental disabilities to relax, explore their interests and connect with the community… all while giving parents/caregivers time to recharge themselves. The program provides regular respite opportunities in small groups. 

AccessCNY pre-screens every person before they come to the respite program so staff can place people with similar interests and abilities in groups together. Respite is offered in a friendly supervised setting by staff trained to provide any necessary care. 

Types of Respite

Afternoon/Evening Respite

The afternoon/evening respite program runs weekdays from 4:00 – 8:00pm. During the program participants gather to enjoy activities and eat a meal together before going home for the night.

Weekend Overnight Respite

Individuals participating in the weekend overnight program stay from Friday afternoon until Sunday afternoon. During this time guests have the opportunity to spend time with friends, participate in leisure activities, have meals together and just generally enjoy their time away from home.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Who qualifies for respite services?

Any adult (18+) with an intellectual or developmental disability who lives in the community with their family.

The participant must also be approved for waiver services through The Office of Persons With Disabilities (OPWDD).

What do you do during respite?

Lots! Respite groups go out into the community as often as possible to take advantage of local events, restaurants, movies, etc. When at the respite house staff also facilitate activities that the guests are interested in. Activities can include crafts, video games, puzzles, spa nights or even just the opportunity to relax and unwind.

Our staff are trained to provide any personal care, behavioral or medical support the guests may need during their stay.

How many people are in each respite group?

We usually keep respite groups to 4-5 people. Occasionally we host larger groups during the day.

How often can you attend respite? Is it scheduled or drop-in?

AccessCNY’s respite program is scheduled. Guests attend in groups on a rotating basis, with respite opportunities being scheduled every 4-7 weeks. Guests and their families are informed of the schedule at the beginning of each year. 

For individuals interested in more respite time, there are occasionally opportunities to be a “substitute” if another guest cancels. 

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